Protecting Transport Workers
Transport and Transit Workers for railway and intercity bus transportation networks frequently work alone in isolated and remote locations where they face many hazards including heavy dangerous machinery, flammable chemicals and dealing with the public.
March 2016: a train in Leola, PA in March 2016 stops at a crossing and blocks the road. It’s a common occurrence and in most cases the driving public are co-operative and compliant, but what happens when a member of the public becomes irrational or angry? This is one of those unforeseen but highly plausible situations where the train blocking the road became a source of frustration for a road user stopped at the crossroads. The driver of a truck threatened to shoot a maintenance employee working on the train and eventually threw rocks at him, causing minor injuries. When road meets rail in an interface area like a crossroads, there can be a reasonable expectation that neither of these network’s users enjoy the delay in their progress. While mostly co-operative and compliant, road users will occasionally seek to blame and even abuse rail staff for delays they experience. If these transport and transit workers are unaccompanied or without security measures like CCTV they could find themselves in situations where their personal safety is at a heightened risk . GuardianMPS allows these workers to discreetly set off a panic alarm if/when threats to their safety are felt or detected. GuardianMPS protects transport and transit workers by provides a check-in system with timer. If an employee checks in relative to their current assignments, locations and shift durations, GuardianMPS can operate a timer to countdown to the duration given. At that point, the system will place an automated safety call which can be answered with a simple key combination and an identifying PIN number. Should this not be answered an automated escalation to panic alarm occurs even if the phone has not been available. If they cannot answer because of injury the system immediately ties into an Emergency Response Center that has all of their personal details, a live audio feed as well as GPS location information when notifying the proper local authorities. Transport and Transit workers are mobile and frequently solitary workers and need simple but effective security systems to ensure their safety while at work.
Guardian MPS mobile worker safety system provides reassurance to staff that they have a team 24/7 ensuring their safety.