Training for Mobile Workers
Our research has shown that even a modest investment in training for mobile workers can greatly enhance the benefits that Guardian MPS can deliver. Whether you choose End User Training, Management Workshops or Train the Trainer we will work with your team to provide the most appropriate training methods to suit the needs of your organization.
Training is particularly important where there is limited supervision:
Guardian MPS is designed to assist your organization in appropriately managing the risks associated with mobile working. The service is not intended to represent the total solution in an effective risk management strategy and cannot replace effective personnel training and awareness. However it can become an integral part of your existing policy, working alongside your organization to protect staff that almost inevitably, by the nature of their work, run the risk of violence and aggression.
“Our research has shown that even a modest investment in training can greatly enhance the benefits that Guardian MPS can deliver. Implementation of a mobile worker solution is a great step towards enhancing the safety of your staff who work mobile. Training these staff in how to use the service and advising them on the overall benefits will be invaluable for you as an employer and your employees.”
Whether you choose End User Training, Management Workshops or Train the Trainer we will work with your team to provide the most appropriate training methods to suit the needs of your organization. We offer both Classroom and WebEx training. Training literature is also provided for internal communication within your organization. We recommend regular refresher training on the Guardian MPS service to ensure that new staff members are informed of internal protocols and procedures and that existing users have their skills refreshed and upgraded.
Investment in Guardian MPS Training will ensure you achieve:
“Empowering your mobile workers through training cannot be underestimated”