Thank you for visiting our Guardian Personal Safety Experience mobile worker safety promotional campaign.

To avail of this offer call (781) 569-5050 and quote EXPERIENCE to one of mobile personal safety experts or fill in the offer qualifying form (below) and we’ll call you back. Here are some useful resources to find out more about the services and solutions GuardianMPS offer, and how we help protect the personal safety of mobile workers teams like yours.
About the offer provider, GuardianMPS.
GuardianMPS Inc. is a specialist provider of software, apps and services that are used to enhance the safety of employees who work alone. Our growing user base includes nurses, home-healthcare workers, social workers and field service workers. Our customers are government agencies and companies who employ mobile workers. We don’t sell technology; we sell a service that helps to keep vulnerable people safe. While a relatively new concept in the US, Guardian is well-established in the UK market with over 25,000 subscribers, and is now quickly building past its 1,000th US subscriber.
Explainer video
Watch a short explainer video to outline the problems that exist for those who work alone or in the field and how we can help.
Offer Qualifying Form
Please enter details about your organization to qualify for the Guardian Personal Safety Experience campaign. You should mention anything else our mobile personal safety experts might find useful in discussing your needs.
(Terms and conditions: The Guardian Personal Safety Experience campaign offer ends on 30th June 2017. All organizations wishing to avail of the offer must have their interest registered before the end of the qualifying period either via the offer qualifying form below or by phone with one of our agents -whereupon agents may submit a form on the organization’s behalf. Completing and sending a offer qualifying form or calling a GuardianMPS agent does not constitute an intention to purchase, nor is there any obligation on the part of the organization registering interest in qualifying for the offer and it is not in anyway legally binding. All details submitted within the offer qualifying form will be treated as private and confidential and will be subject to the normal privacy policy terms for the GuardianMPS website. Large and Enterprise Organization customers interested in this smaller team campaign are advised to engage with a Large team account manager who will be able to discuss the best and most cost effective options available for their profile and size. The offer price featured is limited to the stated time period and outside of this will not be available. All promotional prices and campaigns are offered entirely at the discretion of GuardianMPS and can be changed or withdrawn at any time without notice. Terms and conditions for this and all promotions are subject to change without notice.)