“Social workers often work on the front lines in communities, mental health centers, hospitals, child welfare agencies, and other places, providing services to some of the most at-risk people in our society. This often places them at risk,”
Article date:Mar 14th 2017: Republished Original Article By Maury Thompson for:Post Star U.S. Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-Willsboro, announced that she and Rep. Kyrstyn Sinenma, D-Ariz., introduced legislation to establish a federal grant program to states to improve workplace safety for social workers.
Grants could be used to buy safety equipment such as communication devices, locks and alarms, to provide safety training, or to establish support groups for victims of work place violence.
The legislation also “urges” states to:
The National Association of Social Workers has endorsed the legislation. “Social workers often work on the front lines in communities, mental health centers, hospitals, child welfare agencies, and other places, providing services to some of the most at-risk people in our society. This often places them at risk,” said Angelo McClain, chief executive officer of the professional organization.